Tidbits of Info.

Coupon Shorthand

WYB:  When you buy
DND:  Do not double
D: Double
IP: Internet printable coupon
BOGO: Buy one Get one
MM: Money Maker
OOP: Out of Pocket
Q: Coupon
RR: Register reward (Walgreens)
ECB: Easy Care Bucks from CVS
HTH:  Hope that Helps!!
Red Plum (RP), SmartSource (SS) or Procter & Gamble (PG).

Coupon Resources:
Red Plum
Smart Source
Ebay-you can purchase coupons there!
All You Magazine (purchase at Wal Mart)


Coupon Policy:  They will price match the amount of coupon up to a $1 per item.(Except on dairy products).  So it looks like this:  Buy deodorant for $2.50 give them your $1/1 deodorant coupon and you pay $.50 for the purchase.    Homeland does accept internet coupons.    Although, if you had two like coupons to purchase two deodorants Homeland will only double the first coupon.  You will need to get a Homeland card at the service desk and when you check out hand them your Homeland card, it only takes a few minutes to get the card and get to shopping!!  Also, when shopping at Homeland keep an eye out for the SOLO, no not the cups!!  SOLO is something I just recently learned about...you will find under the bar code on the shelves is the "SOLO", basically this means that this was shipped to Homeland from the Manufacturer at the lowest price available, grab that hit it with a coupon and bam, there's a stinking good deal:-)


At CVS sign up for a CVS customer card.  With this card when you come in to shop scan your card at the kiosk for even more savings, print outs I have received include $5 off $15 purchase and coupons.  Go online to CVS and register your card online to receive email offers as well.  Also at CVS they offer ECB's. 


Walgreens has a booklet at the front of the store which has in store coupons.  Keep an eye out and you can catch products on sale, use the Walgreens coupons along with a manufacturer coupon to score a good purchase.


Target has available online Target coupons, use these with items that go on sale along with a manufacturer coupon and again you have a great deal!!  At Target you can use a Manufacturer coupon along with their Target coupon to get even more savings.

Wal Mart

Wal Mart will price match!!