Thursday, March 11, 2010

And here we go...

Hi there my friends and family. As many of you know I have created this blog to be a centralized place that I can post weekly coupon deals, store deals or internet deals that I think are share worthy. Please be patient with me as this is a new experience for me and I am sure to stink it up a time or two. I am so excited about what the Lord has for me during this experience. He is already giving me visions of ministry opportunities but has yet to give me the full picture! Ha, can't imagine why he wouldn't, can you say RUN!! I am thankful for you my friends and family as I know that he will use you too to accomplish his will thru this. But, before that begins let me share with you what I have learned this far...

I have been at this for 8-10weeks now. Yes it takes some time to clip and organize my coupons. However, the pay off is the best!! I have yet to make a planned trip to the store and not saved over 50% off my total bill. And sometimes the manufacturer pays me to buy their product, whoohoo!! I understand this is not for everyone, however, I do know that it could be valuable info for the single parent, the family that has just lost an income, or the family wanting to save for their dream vacation. So keep an open mind and give it a try, what do you have to lose?

Much Love,

1 comment:

  1. Yeah!!!!! How exciting!!!! I can't wait to see what the future holds and can't wait to finds out where all the deals are. Thanks for doing all the hard work (so we don't have to).

    Sandy B
