Sunday, April 4, 2010

My Cupboard Runneth Over

The question I get asked is "did you have to change the way you shop?" No, I did not have to, however, I have found it more beneficial to adjust how I shop. Before I began couponing, I would meal plan my weeks. Meaning each week I would come up with a meal plan for that week, then I would head out to purchase the ingredients needed to accomplish the plan. I would buy just enough snacks and food to get me thru that week. I would be in trouble if something came up and I got off track of my meal plan, usually it meant we would eat out that evening. Unfortunately, that scenario would happen about once a week. Now I purchase food items when they are on sale and that I have a coupon for. It has been freeing for me to be able to open my cupboards and ask what's for dinner? We have options now, I'm not tied down to a plan, I am still aware of what I have and try to foresee the week ahead and have a mental game plan ready. Literally, we have food running out of the cupboards and freezer!! Amen!! My freezer was so full this week that I couldn't buy anything else until we used some of what was in it. The same is true for our health and beauty needs, I had to clear a shelf out in the hallway to hold toilet paper, napkins, etc. I no longer have to pay more than a $1.00 for toothpaste, deodorant and shampoo, and it is all name brand items too. I am absolutely amazed at what the Lord has done in this area of my cup and cupboard runneth over and yours can too.

1 comment:

  1. I am so stinking proud of you! You have found a field and purchased it! Proverbs 31 woman lookout!
